1. Des tissus de haute qualité pour tous vos besoins
  2. Une collection étendue en stock
  3. Des services intelligents pour vous accompagner

Laissez-vous inspirer par Stienmakes

Christine est couturière et testeuse de patrons. @stienmakes crée des créations en tissu depuis l'âge de 6 ans ! Elle a commencé à confectionner des vêtements pour Barbie avec les restes d'une voisine créative. La voisine l'a initiée et lui a donné plusieurs cours.
À l'école, Christine a toujours trouvé cool de dire qu'elle avait fait quelque chose elle-même et pour son examen final, elle a reçu sa première machine à coudre !
C'est comme ça qu'elle le fait depuis 54 ans !
Christine aime les tissus aux couleurs vives et gaies, dont vous pouvez trouver beaucoup chez Nooteboom Textiel !
Suivez ses créations ci-dessous !

In lila and lime 💜💚

I made this lovely shirt from knipmode before. Now again with a lovely airy knitted fabric from @nooteboomtextiles. In lila and lime 💜💚
Combined with my new favourite trousers.
For the sleeves I used the selvedge of the fabric. I didn't have to finish it and the dark colour fits beautifully with the whole.


After seeing so many beautiful 👖 in this pattern, I decided to make one myself. And boy I'm so happy with the fit.

Theatrical is a beautiful two toned denim from@nooteboomtextiles, and I'm wearing it together with my favourite new #fibremoodlulublouse.


Its a lovely jacket which I made in a really soft fuchsia sweat fabric.


Doesn't everyone has a friend or familie member named Ellie? I made the Ellie jeans in a lovely denim from @nooteboomtextiles. It has a fuchsia inside and that's perfect for this pattern which has the folded hem to show the inside of your jeans.The backpocket has a rose in the same shade of fuchsia that I love so much. Ofcourse I i topstitched everything in the same colour as the lining. I made size 40 and graded to 42 for the waist. The fit is perfect this way.

Stay tuned for more....


This is going to be my favourite colour combination. This beautiful fabrics is from @nooteboomtextiles new summer collection! 😎

My 61st birthday

I made a jumpsuit from two patterns. The top with the famous leg of lamb sleeves. I used a lovely soft purple thick nicky velvet and the sleeves are cotton voile. Both are made of


Did you see? 😱

The sun came out for a few minutes😎 totally ZENNNN

How do you project patterns directly onto your fabric?
I used a wonderfully soft steel blue velvet from Nooteboom.

Fabric: staalblauw nicky velours @nooteboomtextiles

From the summer collection💜🧡

I was allowed to choose a fabric from the new summer collection 2025 at Nooteboom. That was not easy, because there was so much beauty! Of course I fell for a colorful viscose. This viscose is so soft, wow!! Now let's hope that it will get warmer soon, because I am already looking forward to summer.


we were all allowed to choose a fabric at Nooteboom textiles that appealed to us most. I then chose this Lilac knitted fabric with glitter thread because at the moment, I'm attracted to everything Lilac and sparkles. This fabric had both, so a perfect combination. On top of that, it also turned out to be incredibly soft.


Linkparty time and a new collaboration with @nooteboomtextilesI chose this fabric from their winter collection. Such a lot of beautiful fabrics in all the colours you can think of.
Finally, the rain stopped for a few minutes. To take pictures. Wisteria is a dress pattern with beautiful sleeves and a wrap underneath the front panel. I lengthened the sleeves with 2 cm and added a bigger cuff. And I added fabric covered buttons.


Do you want to see more? Check out our Trendweave fabrics collection of all fabrics that are used by our creatives!


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